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How to Secure Dockerfile


We will sort out securing the Dockerfile, which is very important for microservices.

Here are a few tips for securing your Dockerfile

  1. Use trusted base images: Start your Dockerfile with a base image from a trusted source, such as a trusted Docker registry or your organization’s internal registry. This will help ensure that your image is based on a secure and up-to-date foundation.
  2. Install only necessary packages and dependencies: Avoid installing unnecessary packages and dependencies in your Dockerfile, as this can increase the attack surface of your image. Instead, only install the packages and dependencies that are absolutely necessary for your application to function.
  3. Use the latest security patches: Make sure to include the latest security patches for the packages and dependencies in your Dockerfile. This will help prevent vulnerabilities and ensure that your application is as secure as possible.
  4. Use a minimal runtime user: In your Dockerfile, create a runtime user with minimal privileges and run your application as that user. This will help prevent unauthorized access to the host system and limit the potential damage if an attacker were to gain access to your application.
  5. Use a security scanner: Use a security scanner, such as Docker Bench for Security, to scan your Dockerfile and image for potential vulnerabilities. This can help identify any security issues that need to be addressed.
  6. Regularly update your image: Keep your Dockerfile and base image up-to-date with the latest security patches and updates. This will help ensure that your application remains secure over time.


We can make secure your dockerfiles while refactoring your applications.