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GitHub Actions: What Is It and How to Use It?

GitHub Actions is a continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD) tool available on the GitHub platform. It allows you to automatically test, build, and deploy changes in your software projects.

Key Concepts


The foundation of GitHub Actions usage is the creation of a workflow. A workflow consists of a series of steps that run when a specific event occurs, such as pushing code to a repository.


Steps within a workflow are referred to as one or more jobs. A job represents a series of steps running on a runner.


GitHub Actions uses runners, which are virtual machines used to perform a specific task.

How to Use It?

To get started with GitHub Actions, follow these steps:

Create the .github/workflows Folder: In the root directory of your project, create a folder named .github/workflows.

Create a YAML File: Within this folder, create a YAML file. This file should define your workflow, specifying the steps that will be executed.

Commit and Push to GitHub: After creating your YAML file, make the necessary changes and commit them. Push the changes to GitHub to trigger the workflow.

Monitor Results: You can track running workflows and steps in the GitHub Actions tab.

GitHub Actions provides a powerful way to automate your CI/CD processes, leading to a more reliable and efficient software development lifecycle.

In our next post, we’ll share an example usage.